Monday, November 3, 2014

  • rafflesia

Rafflesia Life History 

  •  a penetrating smell more repulsive than any buffalo carcass in an advanced stage. of decomposition"There are approximately 17 Rafflesia species distributed throughout Southeast Asia (Nais, 2000; Meijer, 1997; Mat Salleh, 1991.)These species are highly specific as to the hosts that they parasitize, preferring only a few species ofTetrastigma (a member of the common grape family) that are distributed in the same geographic area. Although technically a member of the plant kingdom, Rafflesiachallenges traditional definitions of what a chlorophyll "and are therefore incapable of photosynthesis (as are all members of its family.plant is because they lack .)

  • While many parasites appear like normal plants, Rafflesia lacks any observable leaves, roots, or even stems (Meijer, 1993.)